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We are a Year 4 class. 

Miss Dyer teaches us and Mrs Lake is our Learning Partner.

Our usual PE days are Tuesday and Thursday. However, this may change due to an external cricket coach joining us on Mondays in term 1. Please ensure a PE kit is in school at all times as the weather could affect this also.

Forest school will be on a Tuesday afternoon in term 1 - the start date is 17th of September. 



Children may bring one pencil case that will fit in their tray to school with them.



The children will partake in 10 swimming sessions starting in May which will be held at Strode Leisurer Centre (Clevedon), Please message me directly if this is something you could help with. We will need a minimum of 2, potentially 3 parents per session to assist with this. Any help would be very much appreciated.

Reading and Homework

All children have been set home with a reading diary and a set of challenges to read across the year. If you are available to listen to any readers at any point during the year please do let me know as this would be very much appreciated also. Homework will be handed out on Fridays and collected in the following Friday. Reading diary/logs will also be monitored every Monday.


Times Tables and the MTC check

 The National Curriculum states that times tables are a key mathematical skill that children should know by the end of year 4. 

 In the summer term, year 4 children will have a statutory Multiplication Test Check (MTC). They will need to know their times tables up to 12x. This will be an online test where children will have 6 seconds to answer each randomly generated question. 

 In school, we will be practising times tables on a daily basis using a variety of strategies. Each week, children will have a focus times table and all of their times table work in school will focus on that times table. The order in which children will tackle the times tables is: 10, 5, 2, 4, 8, 3, 6, 12, 11, 7, 9. 

 At home, it would be really helpful if you could support children to practise their focus table - and others if you wish! You could do this by encouraging them to use Times Table Rockstars or any of the websites and strategies listed below. Although division won’t be included in the test at the end of the year, it would still be useful to include division questions as you help your child learn their tables. 

On Times Table Rockstars, there is even a feature called 'Sound check' which is laid out exactly like the Multiplication Tables Check and will be a great way for the children to practise. (Remember to put on the 'Num Lock' button so that you can use the number keys in the bottom right corner of the keyboard to speed up your typing). If you are not sure of your child's TT Rockstars login, please get in touch.

 A good grasp of the times tables is a key skill in Maths and will support children throughout their mathematical learning.

Helpful website links


Spelling games


Times table practice

  • MTC practiceThis website is laid out like the MTC test so is a great practice tool! (Remember to turn on your 'Num Lock' to enable the numbers in the bottom right-hand corner of your keyboard for quicker and easier typing.)
  • TT RockstarsPlease get in touch with your child's teacher if you need a reminder of your child's login.
  • Top Marks GamesA range of different games for practising times tables
  • (Hit the button)





The Mustard seed parable. Mark 4:30-32


As a Crew we have been thinking about this parable, which Jesus used to describe what the Kingdom of God is like.


The children in Kestrels discussed how this made them think about our school community.

Here are some of their thoughtful ideas.


  • We all grow from something small into something great
  • Our school is like the mustard tree, it is a safe place which welcomes everyone
  • Everyone is welcome 
  • We all thrive at St Andrews
  • It's like our Growing Together idea.


All the children designed an individual bird, which they felt would represent them nesting in the safety of our St Andrews community. These birds will be displayed in school.