Library and reading for pleasure
We work very hard to ensure that all children develop a passion for reading and have a big focus on reading for pleasure. We are very proud of our wonderful library, which is full of wonderful novels, graphic novels, joke books, non-fiction books, short chapter books and magazines. There is something for everyone. All children have a weekly library slot where they can visit the library, borrow a book to take home as well as recommend books to their peers. Mrs Gilbert also runs a book club after school where children can enjoy reading and discussing a range of wonderful books. The library is open during lunchtime, twice a week.
The links below have information to help you with this as well as other information to help support your child at home. Please speak to your child's teacher for more recommendations.
You can find all sorts of great books to read and listen to on this site provided by the National Literacy Trust:
There is a new author of the week every week and plenty of activities to do too.
eAudio Books and eBooks
If you are already a member of your local LibrariesWest library, you can borrow eAudio books and eBooks from BorrowBox completely free of charge. Find out more information here:
Meet our Reading Ambassadors
Our Reading Ambassadors are here to recommend new and exciting books to read. They also make suggestions on how to improve reading at St Andrews, help to manage our fabulous library by adding new books, supporting children to borrow books and ensuring that everyone has access to reading material they enjoy.
From the author
Lots of authors have written to the children at St Andrew's to tell us about their books and to inspire us to read and write. Come and look at what they've sent us! We have also enjoyed visits from authors.
Don't know what to read next? Ask a member of staff to recommend some books you might like to try or find out what the staff love to read in our school newsletter book recommendations. We also have a recommendations list under our 'We Love Reading' display outside the hall so you can see what your friends enjoy reading. The tree in the library is regularly updated with new books which you may enjoy or ask our reading ambassadors.
The links below will help you to recommend books for your child to read. Please speak to your child's teacher for more recommendations.
We regularly get new reading material into the library which are displayed on the tree. We also have areas for magazines, graphic novels, shorter chapter books, joke books and non-fiction. Our library is open at lunchtime twice a week for all children as well as weekly class visits.